Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Custom Web Design Services – The best approach to Follow

Having custom web design for your company is the best approach to follow, as every business comes with a unique USP. Additionally, the prospects are different and so are the business objectives. These aspects must reflect through the design, and reflect in the most appealing manner. Choosing one of the standard web designs is the worst thing one can do when it comes to establishing a thriving online presence. A design must have a concept, and the concept focused exactly as per the business model.
Socializer, a Florida, USA based company learnt this lesson the hard way. Basically into event management, they realized the massive opportunities that existed online for their type of business. However, they decided to place less importance on the look and feel of their website, hiring just a freelance web designer to do the job. ‘Online promotion and marketing of website is more important than its template’ was their line of thinking. They invested the cost of designing in marketing instead, and this resulted in driving traffic to their website.
As the results turned out to be, they somehow could never get to convert a significant enough portion of those visitors into clients. People would come to their website, and then move on or hit the back button on their browser. After taking stock, the reason for their website’s poor bounce rate and conversion ratio was traced to their less than satisfactory web design. Just throwing a few images, graphics and javascript effects does not correspond to success in online presence. A professional web design is a much deeper process, and it takes the creative talents of a master web designer to present something that strikes, creates an impact and delivers the results.
If you are either looking to establish an online presence or just not satisfied with the results achieved, try out something new. Have a relook at your existing web design and ask yourself- does it reflects exactly what you have to offer in an elegant manner?

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